It's that time of year when a million costume shops open, ready to take our money for one night. There are a few reasons why Halloween isn't my favorite holiday (I know, I'm a scrooge), however, the excessive waste has to be number one. October or, let's face it, the last few days before November are a scramble to buy outfits to wear once and then throw away. Save money, time, and resources this Halloween with these three tips:
Use what you already own or phone a friend. Little did you know there is an amazing costume waiting for you in your closet (or your best friend's). 'Decades costumes' are some of the easiest to pull together and recognizable too. Take the 80's for example; grab the overalls you undoubtedly have access to, white sneakers, a bright colored top, some statement jewelry, and BIG hair. Done, and you didn't spend a penny!
Get creative. One of the most popular costumes year after year is a 1920's flapper. Skip the fringe (not really historically accurate anyway) and focus on sparkle, shine, silk, and maybe even some faux fur. Go to your local thrift shop and get all you need for the perfect costume. Got a shift dress? Some sequins? Pearls? Low heels? You're ready to flap!
Outsource it. You're desperate for something with all the bells and whistles, but not willing to put in the work? I get it. Find a costume shop, site, or house that will rent it to you! Renting is cost-effective, eco-friendly, and easy.Stop stressing and check out Ursula's Costumes, Make Believe Inc., or your local costume shop.
Got post-Halloween plans? Now you do! Join Beyond the Label on November 2, as they present their 2nd Annual Sustainable Fashion Show + Tell. Free, fun, and informative. See you there!
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