For this week's post I wanted to dive a little deeper into the topic of secondhand shopping and give you all some resources to help you become pros! There are great tips on the Melrose Flea Market's blog,, and from the Huffington Post. I highly recommend you check them out but here are some of the top tips offered:
-Successful shopping means knowing what you need or want. This one is probably the toughest but it is so important if you want to have a pleasant and productive shopping trip. Before you embark on your journey go through your closet and evaluate the situation: what is your wardrobe lacking and what do you need to make it feel more complete? Make a list and when you're out shopping keep that list in mind. Sure they'll be some great items you find that are not on your list and you can absolutely get them, as long as you are satisfying you wardrobe's needs at the same time. This is especially important for secondhand shopping because there can be a lot going on in thrift stores or flea markets. It's good to have some sort of focus.
-Dress appropriately. Of course you want to look good while you're out on the town but it's important to wear something that is easy to take on and off or try things on with. I usually go for a simple top (plain or with minimal pattern), no pull over outerwear, comfortable shorts or pants and easy flats or boots (this also includes undergarments of neutral color in case you decide to try on anything that is somewhat see-through). If you wear a crazy outfit it will take forever to try everything on and you won't be able to see what some items will look like, you want to think of yourself as kind of a blank canvas when shopping so you can test different items out.
-Go for it but also know when to say no. Go with your gut and look at new items, it's good to go out of your comfort zone sometimes because you'll never really know until you try. However, if you're unsure if you should buy something think of three ways you can wear the item (with clothes you already own, not some fantasy wardrobe you wish you had) and if you can't think of three don't buy it, you won't wear it. This also can include altering it to fit you better or removing stains but make sure you are confident about how those options will turn out.
-Get opinions but yours is the most important. Remember to bring a good friend along who is on the same page as you. You want someone who will give you their honest opinion but will back off if you feel differently about something. Always remember: you are the one who is going to be wearing it, no one else, so it's important that you feel confident about your purchases.
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